Vins Christian College of Engineering is situated in the midst of beautiful hills at Chunkanakdai, Kanyakumari District overlooking the Nagercoil-Trivandrum National Highway NH47.Intereetingly the college is nested in the lap of a vast expanse of lush green trees and paddy fields dotted with ponds full of beautiful flowers, swaying their heads in the gentle breeze. The enchantingly beautiful landscape leads an ideal, calm and conductive atmosphere to the college most suitable for academic pursuits.


The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Vins Christian College of Engineering was established in the year 2004.The department was started with an objective to impart high quality education in the field of Electronics and Communication Engineering. All through its sparkling history of 13 years, the Department of ECE has been known for its exceptionally strong Under Graduate and Post Graduate Programmes.

Ranked among the prominent in India, the Department has always been on a progressive path, thanks to the experienced and dedicated faculty members who have a strong commitment towards providing quality Engineering Education. The Department has 14 faculty members with 2 Doctoral Degree holders, 3 Associate Professors, 9 Assistant Professors.


To produce globally competitive and socially sensitized Engineering Graduates and to bring out quality research in the frontier areas of Electronics and Communication Engineering. The Department aims to produce Electronics and Communication Engineers with excellent skill sets to meet the needs of our field.


To provide quality and Contemporary education in the domain of Electronics and Communication Engineering through periodically updated curriculum, best-of-breed laboratory facilities, collaborative ventures with industries and effective teaching-learning process. The department has been consistently producing illustrious engineers of fine caliber and enabling them to occupy prestigious position in the academics and Industrial fields.


The Department has been accredited by the NBA (National Board of Accreditation)


The Department offers one Undergraduate (UG) and two Postgraduate (PG) programmes. The UG programme was started in the year 2004, right from the inception of the college. The rapid developments in the field of Communication triggered the inception of PG Programmes. The first PG Programme in ECE was started in the year 2012.

To keep in pace with the current technological advancements, the UG curriculum has been recently modified by the Anna University so that students get a feel of what exactly is happening outside in the tech-world.


BE – Electronics and Communication Engineering

ME – Communication Systems


Spread over a vast built up area, the Department houses 9 classrooms, 9 laboratories, a Department library. Each state-of-art laboratory is managed by a faculty Coordinator and a Staff in Charge and has the best-of-breed equipments for carrying out the laboratory work by the students. The faculty and the supporting staff take up the responsibility of providing the best laboratory programs to complement the theoretical courses. Maintenance of the lab equipments is given prime importance and is carried out at the end of each academic year.


div data-example-id="striped-table" class="bs-example">
SI No. Staff Name with Qualification Designation
1 Dr.M.B.Sudhan,M.Tech,Ph.D Head & Associate Professor
2 Ms.Sony Reeta,M.E Associate Professor
3 Ms.S.V.Brindha,M.E Associate Professor
4 Mr.F.Bright Singh,M.E Assistant Professor
5 Ms.Shajini.E.L Assistant Professor
6 Ms.Merlin Viji Assistant Professor
7 Ms.P.Thenmozhy Assistant Professor
8 Ms.Sherly Selvin Assistant Professor
9 Ms.Anusha.A Assistant Professor
10 Ms.Shajin Edward Assistant Professor
11 Ms.Feril Jenifer Assistant Professor
12 Ms.Kalaiselvi Assistant Professor
13 Ms.Belkhana Assistant Professor
14 Ms.Abima John Assistant Professor
15 Ms.Paulin Mini.P Assistant Professor
16 Ms.Nisha.J.M Assistant Professor
17 Ms.Mary Ayisha Hermal.S Assistant Professor
18 Ms.Steffna.S Assistant Professor
19 Ms.Sindhuja.N Assistant Professor
20 Ms.Dalisha.X Assistant Professor
21 Ms.AnuPriya.A Assistant Professor
22 Ms.Sabitha.K.P Assistant Professor


SI No. Student Name CGPA RANK
1 Ms.Minu Steffi.C BE - ECE 8.91 35
2 Ms.Arul Senika.A ME – Communication Systems 8.55 27
3 Ms.Rathiya Rani.D.V ME – Applied Electronics 8.59 31
4 Ms.Soniya Rani.R ME – Applied Electronics 8.49 38
5 Ms.Shajini.N.L ME – Applied Electronics 8.39 45
6 Ms.Chris Sabna Asmy ME – Communication Systems 8.25 48


The Placement and career cell Department strives hard to develop partnerships with International organizations, associations and federations. The Placement wing provides you the opportunity to get insight into career potential. Many students from ECE have been placed in many MNC’s like TCS, CTS, Wipro, Infosys, L&T, Nokia, TESCO, Microsoft, Solartis Technology, Premier Evolvis , Oracle etc. so far.


With an ardent intention to provide exposure and to upgrade the Technical knowledge of the students, VCCE ECE Department has organized department activities like Symposiums, National & International Seminars, paper presentations and workshops for every year.

  • National Level Technical Symposiums organized by VESTA
  • National Conferences organized by NCNCE
  • ROBOTRYST Workshop was organized by IIT aspirants for our Students.
  • Seminars on VLSI Design & Electromagnetic Theory were provided by EDUSAT Programme.
  • IET Seminars.
  • Workshops on Embedded Systems were conducted by Power Integrated Solutions and Einstein Techno Solutions.


SI No. Student Name Achievement Details
1 Terlin Linsha .B Won Gold Medal at State level Swimming competition
  • Muthulekshmi.P.K
  • Jenifer Victoria S
Presented a paper titled” Bio-metric inspired Robots & their potential applications in military” in the International Conference TECHVEZA at Govt. College of Engg, Konam
3 ]
  • Biju Sundar S
  • Shanjith Joy M.B.A
Presented a paper titled” Li-fi Technology” in the International Conference TECHVEZA at Govt. College of Engg, Konam
  • Muthulekshmi.P.K
  • Monica Jeni J
  • Meera Priya
  • Tharshini.V
  • Nirmin Shanu N
Presented a paper titled” Monitoring and controlling of Robo based on WiFi & its Application” in the International Conference NACTECH at PRS college of Engineering & Technology
  • Biju Sundar S
  • Walter Franklin .R
Won 2nd prize for the Short film “AAZHA THERIYATHAVAN” at St. Xavier’s Catholic College of Engineering
  • Muthulekshmi.P.K
Bagged “IET’s Regularity Award” at St. Xavier’s Catholic College of Engineering
  • Shanjith Joy M.B.A
Bagged “IET’s Best outgoing Student of the year Award” at St. Xavier’s Catholic College of Engineering