VINS Christian College of Engieering

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Grievance Redressal Committee

Student Grievance

The Students’ Grievance Cell of the college maintains a congenial educational environment for the students. It encourages the students to express their grievances candidly, without the fear of being victimized. It advises all to refrain from inciting students against other Students, teachers and College administration. The students could post complaints regarding any issues. Suggestions for any improvements are also encouraged. It is a measure to develop responsive and accountable attitude among college officials to ensure that, there is no leniency in terms of partiality with the students.

Student Grievance

Any staff facing any issue can approach the Grievance Cell and register their issue/complaint or send an email to the Grievance Committee. It is the duty of the grievance cell to ensure that a solution or close to one is reached. All meetings and information will remain confidential at all times. The cell will aim at solving the staff’s issue and ensuring them that they can report any issue in confidence.

Not Connected

Grievance Redressal Committee Members